Thursday, August 22, 2013

A place near Thilawa Special Economic Zone (Photo - EMG)
Japanese-based Itochu Corporation will build a Yangon-Thilawa bridge as part of the Thilawa special economic zone project, according to the Ministry of Construction.
A Japanese delegation, led by Koji Umemoto from Itochu Corporation, met with construction minister Kyaw Lwin to discuss matters relating on implementation of construction project in Nay Pyi Taw on August 15.
Japan is the main investor in the Thilawa Special Economic Zone (SEZ), and will be providing basic infrastructure for the construction of the industrial zone deep sea port as well as building the Yangon-Thilawa bridge.
The bridge will cross the Bago River connecting the Thilawa industrial area to central Yangon although the Ministry of Construction has yet to announce a site.
Upon completion of the bridge, local residents will be able to cross three bridges between Yangon and Thanlyin, KyaukTan, Khayan, Thonegwa townships and the Thilawa industrial area.
Japan is giving first priority to infrastructure projects such as the construction of the NgaMoeyeik bridge, the Yangon-Thilawa bridge and upgrading the Yangon-Mandalay highway as well as Yangon’s housing and city development.
Most of these projects will be carried out the Japanese development aid and assistance. The Japanese government will lend US$ 446.86 million to Myanmar in this fiscal year and  has agreed to provide over US$ 980 million in loans for the 2016-2017 fiscal year.
Itochu Corporation was founded in 1858 and is based in Osaker and Tokyo. Marubeni Corporation, one of Japan's most famous companies and also a partner of Itochu, is planning to invest in generating electricity, upgrading railroads and constructing basic infrastructures for the Thilawa SEZ.


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