Sunday, August 25, 2013

Myanmar plans to implement two new deep seaport projects

Myanmar is planning to construct another two new deep seaports in the Tanintaryi coast and Ayeyarwady region, according to Myanmar Port Authority (MPA).
Thailand is interested to construct Kalargote deep seaport project located between Mawlamyaing and Yay in Tanintaryi coast. Singapore is also interested to invest at Ngayokekaung deep seaport located at Ngayokekaung Bay in Ayayarwady region.
Emerald Grand Hotel Group from Thailand and Super Axis Development Pte Ltd. from Singapore have signed MoU with the MPA in this month to analyse the potential to construct deep seaports in Kalargote and Ngayokekaung respectively.
In the analysis, the measurement of water resistance, ground testing, the effect of wind and tide and the overall expenses to construct a whole deep seaport are included.
Ngayokekaung deep seaport port will have the capacity to load 50,000-tonnes of goods and Kalargote deep seaport will be able to contain 30 vessels of about 50,000-tonnes, according to Chief Civil Engineer of the MPA Mya Than.
After completing the research, the MPA will decide whether the project will be conducted as a build, operate and transfer (BOT) system or a joint venture.
Industrial zones projects are included in those two projects and the MPA will cooperate with Ayeyawady regional government, Mon State government and Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development to implement the two projects.


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