Friday, September 13, 2013

Illegal exports/imports to land jail time in Myanmar

Illegal trade control team inspecting at Warden jetty during the training period (Photo - EMG)
The Myanmar government will apply prison sentences and seizure of goods to any illegal exports/imports.
In the past, illicit traders were merely charged a discretionary fine for their offence. They could later claim back their illegal goods by paying the fine.
However, dishonest exporters and importers will be punished harsher from September 16 onwards in accordance with the new Export-Import Law (2012), the Central Committee for Control of Illegal Trade (CCCIT) recently announced.
Under the new Export-Import Law, confiscation of goods and imprisonment of up to three years will apply if a person is convicted of exporting and importing restricted goods, failing to obtain licenses for those license-required goods, and breaching any license terms.
According to the law, those who either assist or engage in illicit activities will be punished to the same extent.
The CCCIT said they have completed the training period for enforcement of the new law.
Between August 12 and 31, they solved 17 cases in which consumer goods such as cosmetics, food, and construction materials—as well as restricted goods, including beer—were to be illegally imported.
The CCCIT was formed by the President’s Office in December 2012 with the mandate of curbing illegal practices in Myanmar’s border and overseas trades.


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