Friday, August 23, 2013

UK - South East Asia Knowledge Partnership- 4th September (Deadline)

As part of the UK-Southeast Asia Knowledge Partnership, the Southeast Asia Science and Innovation team is seeking applicants for Collaborative Development Awards. Please see details here and get the application form: Funding to develop collaboration between partners in Southeast Asia and UK - News articles - GOV.UK

The awards are intended to support visits or short secondments by Southeast Asia researchers and policymakers to the UK, or vice versa, in order to develop specific proposals for future collaboration. Priority will be given to those proposals which are likely to lead to substantial collaboration and in which the potential outcomes of the activity would have a clear benefit for both the UK and Southeast Asia.

Each funding award is limited to £2000, which can be used to support travel and subsistence from Southeast Asia to the UK or vice versa. Policymakers and researchers from universities, research institutes and companies in the UK or Southeast Asia are eligible to apply. The awards are not intended to fund research itself, which would have to be supported by the usual national mechanisms.

To apply for this funding, please complete the application form and send it by e-mail to by 4th September (which is extended from 23 August 2013).


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